Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rescue Dawn

This film is further proof that, despite what many critics say, Werner Herzog is a pedestrian filmmaker. His documentary style is too haphazard, too self-indulgent. And, even if "Rescue Dawn" shows he has greater skill in telling fictional stories, Herzog still doesn't impress me. He's truly helped here by Christian Bale, who continues to show a range and intensity few actors can match. But actors, even the greats, are limited by their director, and Herzog is a man of limitations. He can't get strong performances out of people, a lot of the scenes feel staged, and the dialogue's nothing great. A worthwhile effort, but man, I don't like Herzog.

1 comment:

blahblahblog said...

interesting. i kinda wanted to see that because i'm such a huge christian baleophile--but now not so much.