Thursday, January 22, 2009

81st Annual Academy Awards: And the films I haven't seen are . . .

For me, the big categories are best picture, director, screenplay (original and adapted), all the acting categories, foreign language film, and documentary. By my count, one would need to see 28 films to see every nominee this year.

Here's what I've seen: two films that received best supporting actor nominations, two films nominated for best original screenplay, and two films nominated for best documentary. I have at home a DVD that received a best actor nomination, but I haven't seen it yet. So what about the other 21? They haven't been released on DVD yet, which means they came out within the last couple months.

Some have questioned the wisdom of my one-man boycott of every film released in December. After all, if I want to watch good movies, shouldn't I just watch movies released in December and boycott movies the other 11 months of the year? I might be better off, but I'm sticking to my plan. It's the principle that matters. The problem isn't that Hollywood releases bad movies; they always have, they always will. The problem is that they horde the supposedly good stuff and try to manufacture interest by this big spectacle called the Oscars. And this critic, because he views movies, is supposed to care about these awards and have an educated opinion about these movies he hasn't seen. So he's supposed to go to theaters with other like-minded film viewers and bear witness to the best of the year. Well, I refuse. I'd rather watch "Rambo" a second time. But I probably won't.

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