Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

A mesmerizing look at the real world of competitive video gaming, setting Billy Mitchell, recognized as the best classic gamer in the world and a kind of cocky and slimy ambassador of the sport, against Steve Wiebe, the dark horse, a struggling family man with OCD or autism or something. Billy held the world record in Donkey Kong since 1982, but then, like 20 years later, Steve breaks his records in Donkey Kong AND Donkey Kong Jr.!

Into the fray comes Twin Galaxies, a non-profit video game high score records organization where volunteer referees do things like -- for no money -- watch 8 videotapes of 48 hours of footage to verify someone's high score on a game called Nibbler. Opposed to Twin Galaxies is a guy who calls himself Mr. Awesome who's miffed nobody recognizes his Missile Command high score. You can't make this up.

When Twin Galaxies rejects Steve's high score for various reasons, Steve sets out on a righteous, frustrating mission to be acknowledged as the best. And we know he's the best because when he plays Donkey Kong, the documentarian plays things like Joe Esposito's "You're the Best" and Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger." What ensues is fascinating, sad, enraging, and inspirational. The climax builds tension more effectively than most thrillers out there, and the ending is perfect. And it's all true. This is as good as movies get.

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