Saturday, September 6, 2008

Conan the Destroyer

You wanted it? You got it: Grace Jones and Wilt Chamberlain, together in a film at last. From the director of "Mandingo" and "Soylent Green." With Arnold, who punches a horse and the same camel he hit in the first film. Arnold also asks the immortal question, "What good is a sword against sorcery?" But that's not the only great line. Consider this exchange -- Girl: "Conan, there are six of them against her." Conan (spoken slowly and completely unironically): "One, two, three -- I think you're right." It's odd to have a sequel with worse special effects than the earlier original, but such is the case here.

A queen requests Wilt "20,000" Chamberlain accompany Conan and a girl to go to a castle, and the Queen assigns to Chamberlain the job of protecting the girl and -- get this -- her virginity. Wise move. I suppose if this were remade, a slightly ironic casting decision would be R. Kelly for this role.

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