Sunday, February 24, 2008

80th Annual Academy Awards

If you accept the premise that these were the five best films of the year, "No Country for Old Men" is probably a good choice for Best Picture. But there's no reason you should believe these were the cream of the crop. To put this matter to bed quickly, only to be resurrected pointlessly next year when the Oscars get it all wrong again, here's a list of a few films better than "No Country for Old Men," in no particular order:
"The Bourne Ultimatum," "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days," "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters," "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford," "Sicko," and "The Devil Came on Horseback." Maybe "The Namesake." Three of those are documentaries, but they're still better. I was also curiously drawn to "Vacancy" and "Grindhouse," especially the first half, but I would concede "No Country" might be better than these two.

The list of films that are better than "There Will Be Blood" is comparable, the list of films better than "Michael Clayton" is a tad longer, and the list that would accompany both "Atonement" and "Juno" is too long to be readable in a blog post.

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