Wednesday, July 16, 2008


A young woman promisekeeper struggles with her unique curse -- her who-ha has scorpion fangs or claws or something sharp that bites; let's call 'em teeth. Meaning, her promise is easy to keep. She must come to terms with her gift, like Peter Parker. Vagina dentata. They don't show it, but they show the after effects. Not good.

Its look, pace, and feel remind me of "Donnie Darko" (except no weird sci-fi crap) or parts of "The Insatiable." It also reminds me of another low-budget horror film about high schoolers, "Ginger Snaps," a movie in which a girl named Ginger becomes a werewolf and snaps. But it doesn't quite reach to the level of "May" or the incomparable "Kissed," in part because it doesn't explore more facets of her unique trait. She uses it in predictable ways, but I wish she could have used it in more creative ways.

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